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Support local schools by getting a First State Bank and Trust Spirit Visa® Debit Card. Part of your one-time issuance fee will go to a local school of your choice and a portion of the interchange fees for every swipe will also be donated, as long as you sign for your purchase. If a merchant asks if you want credit or debit, say “credit please”. If you see a request for your PIN when you swipe your card, hit “cancel” and ask the cashier to run it as “credit”. Support local schools just by buying goods you normally would with your First State Bank and Trust Spirit Visa® Debit Card.

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debit card design


debit card design


You can choose to use our standard Visa® Debit Card and pay no issuance fee.

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Whichever you choose…

Use your First State Bank and Trust Visa® Debit Card to pay for things right from your checking account without the hassle of writing a check. The Visa® Debit Card is welcome at millions of locations around the world. Whether it’s the grocery store, a department store, or your favorite restaurant, you’ll enjoy being able to “write a check” with the swipe of your card anywhere the Visa® symbol is displayed.

Paying with your Visa® Debit Card is simple. Just present your card at the time of purchase, and the amount will be automatically deducted from your checking account. It’s that easy. Plus, you’ll get a receipt for easy record-keeping, and every transaction will be detailed on your bank statement.

Unlike a credit card, you will be using the money in your checking account so there’s no finance charge. Because you are not incurring debt, there’s no monthly bill to worry about. Your Visa® Debit Card also works as an ATM card. Get cash, transfer funds, or check a balance from hundreds of thousands of ATM locations worldwide.

Report a Lost or Stolen First State Bank Card


Debit Card

During regular banking hours, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., please contact our customer service department at any of our locations.

During non-banking hours, please call our debit card processor at 1-844-202-5333. Our processor is CSI (Computer Services, Inc). A CSI staff member will ask you questions to verify your identity and will then cancel your card. Card re-issuance will be handled by us. Remember – you can always turn your card off through digital banking if you are unable to report the missing card immediately.

Credit Card

During banking and non-banking hours, please call our credit card processor at 1-800-558-3424. Our processor is Elan. Their customer service department will handle the card cancellation and re-issuance.



First State Bank and Trust does not authorize and pay overdrafts for ATM transactions and everyday debit card purchases unless you ask us to. Please consult with our Bookkeeping Department or a Personal Banker if you have questions about how OPT-IN works.

Reg E – OPT IN/OUT Form